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2023-10-20: Ismail Elouafiq: 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'

Ismail Elouafiq: 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'


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Fredag 20 oktober 16.15-17.00 OSU hälsar Ismail Elouafiq med föredrag 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'. Fler info på

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Fredag 20 oktober 16.15-17.00 hälsar Open Science Uppsala Ismail Elouafiq med föredrag 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'.

Open Science Uppsala är den lokala Open Science grupp, var man diskuterar om -duh!- Open Science. Open Science är en väg att forskning med -bland annat- mål att göra forskning mer reproducerbar. Var föredragare pratar om en aspekt av Open Science, oft illustrerad med exempel av hans/hons egen interesse.

Varje en som omfamnar den vetenskaplig metod är välkommen om att berömma och kritiserar Open Science.

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This month we have the pleasure to have a presentation by Ismail Elouafiq, 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'. Afterwards we'll head to the pub to discuss more about open science. Hope to see you there!

When: Friday October 20th 16:15-17:00
Where: Uppsala Stadsbibliotek, Mallassal


This month we have the pleasure to have a presentation by Ismail Elouafiq, 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'. Afterwards we'll head to the pub to discuss more about open science. Hope to see you there!

When: Friday October 20th 16:15-17:00
Where: Uppsala Stadsbibliotek, Mallassal


OSU's next talk: Friday October 20th 16:15-17:00 at Stadsbiblioteket by Ismail Elouafiq, 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'. #OpenScienceTalks

SLU screen text

Ismail Elouafiq: 'Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala'

Presentation by Ismail Elouafiq:

Experiment on yourself: open citizen science in Uppsala

Images by Ismail

Open Science Ismail

Citizen science